I used to run An Essential Liberty, a place where I could vent my thoughts as they pertained to politics. I moved the site from host to host (one version here), which was really convenient for anyone who wanted to follow my ramblings, since I'm too cheap to pay for the domain name.
But inevitably, the posts slowed down, and eventually, the seagull finally took off and AEL went dark. It wasn't because I stopped caring, but in today's rapid-fire world, a political/media blog was simply too resource-intensive to maintain. I'm but one man -- with a full-time job, no less. Just couldn't do it anymore.
So, I turned to twitter. A venue to spew random blurbs in 140 characters or less. And it's fine. But it's not enough.
So, I'm back. I'm not going to kill myself maintaining this, and I'm not going to hold myself to a set posting schedule (see my other failed experiment, http://dailyjojo.wordpress.com). I'm just going to post when I have something to say. And it won't be purely political, because sometimes I've got other bullshit to spout.
Welcome, and if you're familiar with my work, welcome back.
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